Using this:
It's an Infantry movement tray for War of the Ring... with conveniently shaped depressions for infantry based on 25mm bases. Since I only need 2 models to fit on each base, I cut the movement tray into conveniently sized sections. Like so:
I then trimmed it to fit within the perimeter of a 60mm round base, and cut a corresponding hole in the base.
The section of movement tray was then glued into the middle. I'll fill any unsightly gaps with greenstuff later.
A view from the side... it's perfectly flat, so my support troopers will stand at the same height as my other Guardsmen.
And finally, for illustrative purposes, two of my Revilers pretending to be a Heavy Weapons team. This shows how the models fit into the tray, allowing me to remove them for transport or remove the loader to track wounds.
Now I just have to make 14 more.