Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Founding Is Nigh

Heed the founding of the 157th (yes, they're the 157th now) Aeshaettar Light Infantry! Work is finally getting started on these guys... owing to the fact that I just picked up about 20 Mordians, 50 metal Cadians and 50 Catachans relatively cheap. The Bitkingdom order has been delayed a wee bit, but should still be going through. I also plan to hit up The WarStore for some Wood Elf bitz with which to make Aeshaettari Guardsladies.

Over the next little while I will be paintstripping, hacking up, headswapping, and repainting all the "mongrel guardsmen" that have joined up; and kitbashing together the first 30 or so truly unique Doom Guard.

Reminds me, I'm gonna have to pick up more Green Stuff to sculpt all those kamas on!

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