So at long last my Gamer's Edition has arrived. I've finished reading through the rules and they look really solid so far - quite a few rules have been shaken up, but that's to be expected. I think this'll help greatly to get rid of some of the mech stagnation that 5th fell into.
The other thing I like about the rulebook is the VERY extensive background and hobby sections - the rules are only about 1/6 of the book. In the back there are some neat alternate missions, campaign and terrain ideas which are reminiscent of the 4th Edition book - something I found distinctly lacking in the 5th edition one.
The Munitorum Dice are not extra special, but the las-pack they come in is nifty - I'll probably try and snag the Vehicle Damage Dice and Battlefield Objectives when they come out, keep the red Munitorum dice for markers and such. Might refill one of the las-packs with my brass-pipped Chessex dice (because the Gamer's Ed satchel has handy pockets for the las-packs).
Now the only things I've left to do are keep hammering away at getting my Marines painted, and get some games in! With the power weapon changes, might bring the Terminators back off the shelf... and get the Space Hulk ones painted up to augment my First Company detachment.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
A Farewell To Fifth - The Final Tally
With only four days left until Sixth is officially released, I'm putting the cap on my running tally of Fifth Edition battle statistics. Of course, I'll update it if I manage to get any games in between now and then. So, for posterity... the annotated tally of war from Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition, 2008-2012.
W/L/D (G)
Revilers 3rd Company
36/34/16 (86)
The Revilers were my main army for 5th, and continue to be. I actually started this army soon after 5th was released, alongside the Black Reach starter set and the latest Space Marine codex. In the last four years, the Third Company has grown from five push-fit Tactical Marines (who all bear gold aquuilae as honour markings) to almost an entire Battle Company (command, six tactical, two devastator, one assault squad) with large detachments from the First and Tenth Companies as well as the Librarius.
A'rynnal Corsairs
4/3/3 (10)
219th Vigilance Line Infantry
2/1/1 (4)
The 219th Vigilance are a collection of classic metal Imperial Guard models I got secondhand from a family friend. I run them as basic infantry supported by Conscript Platoons, and they see the most action as allies in Apocalypse games.
The Legio Aerayakh
2/0/0 (2)
My first ever army, I hadn't touched my Necrons since I had declared them "finished" at about 2000 points and moved on to Eldar. With the advent of a new codex last November, I brought them out again over the Christmas break and started repainting them in a bold new colour scheme.
157th Aeshaettar Light Infantry
2/0/0 (2)
My own Imperial Guard regiment, recently relegated to "hobby project" status so I can focus more on developing the look and feel of the army rather than building an army to use in standard games. Hopefully in 6th they will see more action as an allied contingent to my Revilers.
The Great Hunt of Svenhag Scar-Foot
0/1/2 (3)
46/39/22 (107)
So I exit 5th edition with a 43% victory record, out of 107 total games played. I hope to better the second statistic in the new edition - and maybe with a little luck, I'll surpass the first as well.
W/L/D (G)
Revilers 3rd Company
36/34/16 (86)
The Revilers were my main army for 5th, and continue to be. I actually started this army soon after 5th was released, alongside the Black Reach starter set and the latest Space Marine codex. In the last four years, the Third Company has grown from five push-fit Tactical Marines (who all bear gold aquuilae as honour markings) to almost an entire Battle Company (command, six tactical, two devastator, one assault squad) with large detachments from the First and Tenth Companies as well as the Librarius.
A'rynnal Corsairs
4/3/3 (10)
My second army, the Eldar were the army that I brought into 5th Edition. I lost interest in them due to a lack of focus in army planning, however, I would like to revisit them in small-project chunks, building up an Aspect-heavy foot Eldar force.
219th Vigilance Line Infantry
2/1/1 (4)
The 219th Vigilance are a collection of classic metal Imperial Guard models I got secondhand from a family friend. I run them as basic infantry supported by Conscript Platoons, and they see the most action as allies in Apocalypse games.
The Legio Aerayakh
2/0/0 (2)
My first ever army, I hadn't touched my Necrons since I had declared them "finished" at about 2000 points and moved on to Eldar. With the advent of a new codex last November, I brought them out again over the Christmas break and started repainting them in a bold new colour scheme.
157th Aeshaettar Light Infantry
2/0/0 (2)
My own Imperial Guard regiment, recently relegated to "hobby project" status so I can focus more on developing the look and feel of the army rather than building an army to use in standard games. Hopefully in 6th they will see more action as an allied contingent to my Revilers.
The Great Hunt of Svenhag Scar-Foot
0/1/2 (3)
A Space Wolf army list I tried out for a few proxy games. The army's four heroes accounted for fully half of the total points, and it was great fun to try out.
46/39/22 (107)
So I exit 5th edition with a 43% victory record, out of 107 total games played. I hope to better the second statistic in the new edition - and maybe with a little luck, I'll surpass the first as well.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Sixth Edition Allies Rumours
Sixth edition will allegedly be announced on Saturday, and the rumours are starting to look more concrete.
The only thing that I have anything to say about right now is the rumours of allies... apparently, the allies rules will allow you to "integrate a second FOC" from an allied codex.
If this is true, I might start fielding combined Marines/Guard as a matter of habit. Might even pick up some Vostroyans (to be modelled/painted as Evanturel Highlanders) and do Shrinehold themed armies.
Now, back to painting Scouts for Saturday.
The only thing that I have anything to say about right now is the rumours of allies... apparently, the allies rules will allow you to "integrate a second FOC" from an allied codex.
If this is true, I might start fielding combined Marines/Guard as a matter of habit. Might even pick up some Vostroyans (to be modelled/painted as Evanturel Highlanders) and do Shrinehold themed armies.
Now, back to painting Scouts for Saturday.
imperial guard,
sixth edition,
space marines
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Strike Force Xerius - 1250 Point Space Marine List
So, my FLGW is running a 1250 point tournament next Saturday, and once again the Revilers are making an appearance. My list looks something like this:
+Jump Pack
+Digital Weapons
Tactical Squad [10]
+Heavy Bolter
Drop Pod
Tactical Squad [10]
+Missile Launcher
Scout Squad [10]
+5 Combat Blades
+4 Shotguns
Sternguard Veterans [5]
Drop Pod
+Heavy Flamer
+Extra Armour
Drop Pod
Assault Squad [5]
+Power Weapon
So that means I've got a touch of painting to get done in the next six days. The Chaplain, Assault Marines, one tactical squad, Dreadnought and drop pods are good to go. The Librarian, Sternguard, and Scouts need painting... and the Tactical Squad with the heavy bolter is partially painted.
+Jump Pack
+Digital Weapons
Tactical Squad [10]
+Heavy Bolter
Drop Pod
Tactical Squad [10]
+Missile Launcher
Scout Squad [10]
+5 Combat Blades
+4 Shotguns
Sternguard Veterans [5]
Drop Pod
+Heavy Flamer
+Extra Armour
Drop Pod
Assault Squad [5]
+Power Weapon
So that means I've got a touch of painting to get done in the next six days. The Chaplain, Assault Marines, one tactical squad, Dreadnought and drop pods are good to go. The Librarian, Sternguard, and Scouts need painting... and the Tactical Squad with the heavy bolter is partially painted.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Strike Force Sabre - Space Marines
In lieu of the Weekend Workbench this week, I've got some shots of the 1000 point army I took to a tourney at my local GW yesterday.
Tactical Squad III, led by Sergeant Dymius.
Tactical Squad I, led by Sergeant Valdis, and containing a returned Deathwatch veteran.
Assault Squad VIII, led by Sergeant Raedix. This squad also has a returned Deathwatch veteran in it, and Raedix's jump pack is embellished with two reliquaries.
Leader of the strike force, Brother-Reclusiarch Behemiel.
Lastly, my first Dreadnought, Brother Gaheris.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Weekend Workbench - 20 May
Quick post here this weekend, so I can get back to painting Space Marines. Been a bit skint with the photography of late, but that's due to the in-progress Drop Pods currently inhabiting my photoshoot area (a piece of paper taped to my back wall). My laptop's been temporarily evicted from the workbench for now, to make space for the 1000 point army I'm painting up to take to a tournament next Saturday. Currently I have 8 Tactical Marines, a Drop Pod, a Dreadnought, and a Chaplain finished, 9 Tactical Marines and 1 Assault Marine awaiting details and basing, and 3 Tactical Marines, 9 Assault Marines, and 2 Drop Pods in various stages of PIP.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Weekend Workbench - 13 May
Three words: Drop Pod Assault.
I also built four Honour Guard, five Assault Marines, and a power-armoured Librarian this week - the Assault Marines are visible on the palette in the foreground, and I'll get detail pics of all of those projects up soon. For now, though, my workspace is transitioning into painting-mode! I've entered a tourney at my "local" GW on May 26, so I need to paint up those Assault Marines, those two Drop Pods, and do some finishing touches on my Tactical squads. When I get tired of painting blue-grey Power Armour, I'll take a break and paint some Inquisitorial Henchmen.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Weekend Workbench - 6 May - Special Outdoor Edition
Today was an exquisitely nice day outside, so I dragged myself out into the backyard and got some priming done. The Inquisitorial warband, 2 Sternguard, a missile marine, and a Veteran with Thunder Hammer for my Command Squad - as well as 2 drop pods and a Rhino still on-sprue.
Here's a shot of the backyard, painting backdrop all set up on the left, minis laid out to dry on the bench, and pretty pink petals from the crabapple tree everywhere. On a slight tangent, priming grey plastic minis grey gets kind of frustrating.
Here's my workbench this weekend - freshly primed stack sitting on my stool, and barely visible on the cutting plank are two MkIII Iron-armoured Sternguard Veterans in progress. Going to finish up a couple more minis then clear off the bench for some painting. Until next time!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
"Anyone Can Be Killed" - Inquisitorial Assassins
So Jeff's Inquisitorial warband is now complete - today I'm showing off a variety of Imperial Assassins, as well as the last Daemonhost and two rather special-looking Crusaders. Click the photos for larger versions!
Front and back shots of the last Daemonhost - I greenstuffed his left arm and added chains and other gubbins today.
These two charming individuals are Death Cult Assassins - made from plastic Wood Elf bodies, torsos, and masked/hooded heads, shivs from the Forge World Renegade Upgrade set, and assorted plastic swords.
Two Crusaders, done Empire-style - Pretty much stock Empire Free Company, with Dwarf shields (hammer = Malleus) and some 40k purity seals and trophies.
Last but not least, two Assassins from the Clades proper, with some minor repairs done in plastic. The Vindicare on the left was missing the end of his Exitus rifle, so I made a suitably impressive-looking replacement from one of the antennae off a Grey Knight Interceptor backpack. The Eversor was missing his right arm, so I substituted a sword arm from the Empire Free Company sprue. It makes him look quite a bit more dangerous, I'd say.
Next on my list of things to do is to get all these chaps painted, then start on their Rhino transport.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Inquisitorial Warband WIP
My gaming buddy Jeff is building up a Grey Knight army. Actually, he bought a small Daemonhunter warband, and it turned into a Grey Knight army when the new codex came out. To save him some time, and also to give myself a chance for some wacky conversions, I offered to spruce up his Inquisitor and retinue. Here are my WIP's so far. Lighting is a bit off - I'm still figuring some things out with my new hobby setup.
Front and back of Lord Inquisitor Nelson Princeps - force sword taken from the Grey Knight Terminator box.
Front and back of two kitbashed Arco-Flagellants - Catachan legs and bodies, Space Marine arms, Flagellant heads and flails, Grey Knight Interceptor backpacks and steel wire.
Two Mystics - the one on the left is the vox-man torso from the Forge World Renegade Upgrade with a Cadian laspistol and legs. The one on the right is a converted Techpriest Enginseer.
Front and back of three heavily converted Daemonhosts (the one on the right isn't finished yet). A vague amalgam of Chaos Posessed, Flagellants, Empire Free Company, and other assorted bitz.
A bit on the tamer side - four Warrior Acolytes, of the Guardsman variety. From left to right: Kasrkin with repurposed Space Marine backpack and Grey Knight head; Catachan legs, Cadian arms and torso, Free Company head; Catachan legs, Cadian torso and meltagun, Free Company head; Cadian legs, torso, and vox-head, Space Marine arms and bolter.
I still have to kitbash two Death Cult Assassins and two Crusaders to round out the retinue, as well as building a Rhino for them to ride in. Then all that's left to do before I give them back to Jeff is paint them!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Weekend Workbench - 29 April
Inspired by Ron over at From The Warp, and to help myself keep up a good flow of content on my own blog, I've decided to do a snapshot of my workbench area every weekend - leaving enough flexibility to work around my schedule. Here's the first one:
Nothing much going on yet, as I've just got back from school. I spent the weekend unboxing my Space Marines and laying out all my tools and brushes again. First on the chopping block are a couple of miscellaneous Marines in mkVI armour - one will be equipped with a missile launcher and I'm not sure what I'm doing with the second.
Nothing much going on yet, as I've just got back from school. I spent the weekend unboxing my Space Marines and laying out all my tools and brushes again. First on the chopping block are a couple of miscellaneous Marines in mkVI armour - one will be equipped with a missile launcher and I'm not sure what I'm doing with the second.
Friday, April 20, 2012
AFTERMATH: The Taking of Hellion Prime
Author's note: this is an after-action report from two years ago that I somehow neglected to publish.
So I went down to the local GW today for a 1750 point pseudo-narrative tournament - 3 rounds with a rudimentary linked narrative running through all the games. The list I brought looked like this:
So I went down to the local GW today for a 1750 point pseudo-narrative tournament - 3 rounds with a rudimentary linked narrative running through all the games. The list I brought looked like this:
Librarian 175
• Terminator Armour
• Epistolary
• Vortex of Doom, The Avenger
Chaplain 130
• Jump Pack
• Meltabombs
• Digital Weapons
Terminator Squad [5] 230
• Assault Cannon
Tactical Squad [10] 220
• Meltagun
• Multimelta
• Sergeant: Powerfist, Meltabombs, Teleport Homer
Tactical Squad [10] 210
• Meltagun
• Multimelta
• Sergeant: Power Sword, Meltabombs, Teleport Homer
Tactical Squad [10] 205
• Flamer
• Heavy Bolter
• Sergeant: Power Sword, Meltabombs, Teleport Homer
Scout Squad [10] 165
• 4 Combat Blades
• Heavy Bolter
• Sergeant: Combat Blade, Teleport Homer
Landspeeder 50
• Heavy Bolter
Assault Squad [5] 135
• Plasma Pistol
• Sergeant: Power Sword, Meltabombs
Devastator Squad [10] 230
• 4 Missile Launchers
Game 1 was Seize Ground with Spearhead deployment. The Secondary objective was to "scan" each objective marker with a Troops unit; roll a D6 and on a 6 you got a point. Most points takes the secondary objective.
My opponent had a fairly balanced Eldar army: an Avatar, 10 Dire Avengers, 10 Wraithguard, 10 Guardians, 10 Swooping Hawks, 5 Dark Reapers, a Wraithlord, and 3 Warwalkers.
At the end of the game we were each sitting on one of the four objectives, but my opponent had managed to scan 3 objectives - whereas I had failed to scan any. Minor victory for the opposition.
Game 2 was Annihilation using Dawn of War deployment, with Table Quarters as the secondary objective. My opponent was a very tank-heavy Ultramarine army: a Librarian, two Tactical squads (one in a Rhino, one with a Razorback), ten Assault Terminators in a Land Raider Crusader, two Landspeeders, two Predators, and another Land Raider Crusader.
My infantry-heavy army was slaughtered almost to a man; the game ended with my opponent claiming 8 Killpoints and 2 table quarters, for a Massacre.
Game 3 was a Capture & Control mission using Pitched Battle deployment. The Secondary Objective was to end the game with units in your opponent's deployment zone. An additional twist included in the scenario was that all terrain was counted as difficult for infantry - that meant it would be a long walk for my Revilers. I faced an aggressive Salamanders army that included Vulkan and 5 Vanguard in a Land Raider Redeemer, 2 Tactical Squads in drop pods, an Ironclad Dreadnought in a drop pod, an unmounted Tactical Squad, and a squad of Assault Terminators.
This game was incredibly close - in the end, my opponent claimed one objective by an inch, but I had three units in his deployment zone. This resulted in a Minor Victory for him.
Despite losing all my games, I got to play three good games of 40k and walked out at the end of the day with the award for Best Sportsman - and $45 in GW gift certificates.
Rethinking Captain Telemachus
Jarhael Telemachus, Captain of the Revilers 3rd Company is the erstwhile commander of my Space Marine Army. Currently represented by a somewhat sloppily converted Emperor's Champion, I decided to make my first summer project an attempt at converting a model that does him justice. To that end, I picked up a Space Marine Commander box and a Finecast Emperor's Champion - hopefully the Finecast lends itself to conversions better than the original white metal. The old Telemachus model will probably be repurposed as a Vanguard Veteran sergeant, or a member of the Honour Guard.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Update and Rebranding!
Hello readers,
Just a quick heads-up to inform everyone of a slight change - Magnet Addict is now Stormcrow Hobbies. I'm still writing, converting and painting all of the stuff on here, the only thing that's changed is the name and URL.
Just a quick heads-up to inform everyone of a slight change - Magnet Addict is now Stormcrow Hobbies. I'm still writing, converting and painting all of the stuff on here, the only thing that's changed is the name and URL.
In future news, I've decided to halt purchases (except of paint and hobby supplies) in the short term and tackle the mountain of unpainted additions to my Space Marine army over the summer, once I'm done with my second year of uni. Slated projects include another Tactical Squad, filling out my five-man Assault Squad, two more Drop Pods and a variety of First Company Veterans.
I'm excited to try out the new Citadel paints, and am going to attempt to post weekly updates/thoughts once I'm back in the swing of things.
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